Teach Peace & Justice Action Research Grant

                                                  By Tim Wolcott

          Do you have a child, grandchild, niece or nephew who seems more concerned about right rather than might?  Do they live and learn in Broome County?  If so, a recent collaboration between Broome County Peace Action and TeachPeaceNow.com might be of interest to you.  If one of their teachers and their principal support your child’s concerns for peace and justice, please consider supporting them as well.

          Why should people of all ages participate in social action and service projects?

  1. They develop a history of being involved in making a difference.
  2. They learn that working together gives people power.
  3. They learn that taking effective action is a process that involves specific skills.
  4. We build on the natural desire of people of good-heart to be fair and right wrongs.
  5. It relieves the stress caused by the feeling that we are helpless and must be shielded by government and movers and shakers in society.

          The Teach Peace & Justice grant program’s mission is to encourage students to initiate discussions on injustice and areas of conflict resolution.  The program seeks to link academic skills with activities designed to promote peace, justice and social activism.  Under the guidance of teachers, students will research and solve problems in their school and community.

          Effective Peace & Justice Action projects address numerous areas in the curriculum.  Students will use mathematics in collecting and analyzing statistics, writing in developing their ideas, the arts in designing marketing and instructional materials, and the social sciences in coming to understand the workings of law and government.  Collaborative participation will provide opportunities for students to use their creativity and imaginations as well as develop 21st century skills including critical thinking, problem-solving, and teamwork

          For the 2019 – 2020 school year a total of $ 1,000 is available.  From this amount three grants will be made:  one for elementary, one for middle school and one for high school.  The funds provided by a Teach Peace & Justice Grant can be used toward research, materials and activities needed to successfully carry out the project.

For the 2019 – 2020 school year, grant applications will be accepted starting September 10, 2019.  The DEADLINE to apply is October 31, 2019.  Successful applicants will be notified by November 20, 2019. 

Applications are only accepted online at teachpeacenow.com/bcpeaceaction-grant-program/ 

For information concerning grant requirements, project ideas, possible solutions and the grant assessment rubric, please visit TeachPeaceNow.com or bcpeaceaction.org

June 2019