Author Archives: BCPA Editor

Peace and social justice groups call for diversion of military spending to human needs in the U.S.

About a dozen activists from religious, peace, and justice groups marked the occasion of the Christian holy day of Ash Wednesday to promote diplomacy and non-violence between Russia and Ukraine.   They also called for the diversion of military spending to … Continue reading

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$30 Million Minimum in Reparations for Afghan Family Demanded by U.S. National Group Opposing Drone Attacks

FOR RELEASE – OCT. 19, 2021 Contact: Nick Mottern – Co-coordinator – Ban Killer Drones / (914) 806-6179 / Ban Killer Drones, a national network opposed to drone attacks, is calling for reparation payments of at least $3 … Continue reading

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Americans Who Tell the Truth Exhibit

We are sponsoring an exhibit of paintings to celebrate Americans who have told the truth. Since the 1960’s artist Robert Shetterly from the Bangor, Maine area has been painting portraits of outstanding truth tellers in our culture. People like Mark … Continue reading

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Daniel Hale, Drone Whistleblower

A press conference was held on Saturday, July 17th on the High Line in New York City to support former Air Force “intelligence” analyst Daniel E. Hale, who faces 10 years in prison on July 27 after releasing government documents … Continue reading

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Celebrating a Garden Memorial Dedicated to Children and Peace

By Doug Garnar On May 8th, the public and members of Broome County Veterans for Peace and Peace Action celebrated the dedication of a children’s peace garden within Otsiningo Park adjacent to the children’s playground. The ceremony culminates my sixty-year … Continue reading

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Children’s Peace Park Dedication

On Saturday May 8th, the day before Mother’s Day, a group of peacemakers, performers and families gathered at the newly created Children’s Peace Park within Otsiningo Park. Photos and video below. Cecily O’Neil, our Emcee, introduced Children’s Peace Park and … Continue reading

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Children’s Peace Park

On Saturday, May 8, 11am, we will dedicate the Children’s Peace Park in Otsiningo Park with poetry, music and dance. See photos of the dedication of Children’s Peace Park.

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Nuclear Weapons Declared Illegal by United Nations

On Friday, January 22, 12 noon, a celebration of joy was held in front the Federal Building on Henry St., Binghamton, to cheer for 2/3 of all nations who have made nuclear weapons illegal on this day. Church bells rang, … Continue reading

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George Haeseler, a beloved friend and mentor

Compiled and written by Cecily O’Neil As many of you know, we lost a dear friend and fellow activist earlier this year. George Haeseler had moved to North Carolina to be closer to his adult children a few years ago, … Continue reading

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It is what it is

By Jack Gilroy “It is what it is.” Is this recent statement from the POTUS stoical or contemptible? We need to decide come November 3, 2020. Having disbanded the national infectious disease preparedness board before the pandemic occurred and having … Continue reading

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